New Erotica for Feminists: Satirical Fantasies of Love, Lust, and Equal Pay

Written by: Brooke Preston

What really gets feminists hot and bothered? “New Erotica for Feminists” has the answer – and it’s not quite what you’d expect! This sly, satirical collection turns the genre on its head, reimagining steamy scenarios with a decidedly feminist twist.

Forget bodice-ripping Fabio fantasies. These characters are more turned on by gender-balanced board rooms, paid family leave, and lovers who show up at the door with fresh cases of LaCroix. From a cheeky retelling of Adam and Eve to modern tales of respectful Tinder romances, the book spans history and contemporary life. There’s even an immortal Ruth Bader Ginsburg making an appearance!

Based on the viral McSweeney’s humor piece, “New Erotica for Feminists” pokes fun at the tropes and cliches of the genre while making clever commentary on feminist ideals. It’s a light-hearted yet empowering look at “what women really want” – equal rights and opportunities. Perfect for anyone who loves smart satire, playful parodies, and imagining a world where all erotica is written by enlightened feminists.


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